Wednesday, December 27, 2006

to the death of boredom!

hey humans-- how ya'll been over this fine, fine break of ours? i hope your holidays have all been well lived and appreciated, kinda. not i kinda hope you had a good time, its that i hope you all at least had a relatively good time over your holidays. nevermind. well, actually, i guess i spoke too soon, we still have all those pleasant new year surprises and all that good stuff.
i know i said i probably wouldn't write, and likewise, i doubt many of you will read all for the same reasons, but heck, i was bored, bored outta my mind! and i mean, all good folkies have experienced this dreadful feeling, i know, and we complain and whine and completely and utterly tick off everyone in a fifteen foot range of us until at last they give us some lovely choice words or chores. divine. we cannot have that! we must learn to deal! gasp! sigh... how?! ok most of us are too lazy to search through those rainy-day-stuck-inside-the-gosh-darn-awful-house-where-the-heater-is-turned-up-way-way-way-too-high sorta books with the hideous pictures of the cheery, perky children that are all to excited about the neat-o arts and craft projects they're about to endure (forgive my cynicism). but yet, somehow we desperate younglings, disgusted as we are with the pitiful surroundings (again, forgive my cynicism), pluck up the courage and will to reach all the way over to our bookshelves and grab those books, only to be let down and frustrated. WHAT SHALL WE DO?!?!?!?!
take heart, children of mine, just look up, look around you-- now you may wonder, how can she be telling all of us to be chipper and find something to do? whinywhinywhiny. what did she do, eh? YOUR LOOKING AT IT PATHETIC HUMANOIDS (sorry about the excessive namecalling, i got it from pavia ehehe)!!! (humans who already have a so-called myspace page, please disregard the following message) blog! BLOG! blog you children of the earth, then you can tell your fellow earthlings what your feeling and EVERYTHING (-insert heavenly angelic music here-)!!! and you can be my blog buddies and we can talk and comment and you can share and we can have fun! YESH!
of course you can also take up dancing. yes, i said dancing! its actually really, i dunno how to desribe it, hmm, weight-lifting-ish. i mean, you just can be free and you can express yourself. its almost redemptive and you can let everything out. its all around spectacular. but it all really depends on the music your listening to, like new agey or soft alternative like enya really winds me down along with coldplay, but then theres rock like U2 and the killers which gets more of the frustrations and anger out. ooh and r&b is of course always good, beyonce, stevie wonder, and all those good oldies (personally, i recommend "drift away" by dobie gray, or "dancing in the moonlight" by... er, someone else). no but really its immensly moody and freeing, you gotta try it, and i mean your hearing this from a tone-deaf girl with little rhythm who can't sing to save her life, but hey, you don't need a crowd to dance (refer to souza quote a while back)...
i miss you fellas and stellas, but until we meet again, HUGS!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


ooh, heyyyyyy, uh huh. well how many days has it been? uh, i'd just like to say sorryfornotpostingonthebloginlikeforeveri'vejustbeenkindabusywiththehumanscanyoukindgentlefolkseverforgiveme??? PLEASE!!! i never meant no wrong.
so again, i might not be posting for a while, but thats because its BBBBRRREEEAAAAAAKKKKKKK!!!!! so ya, but just to those who are avid fans, i might eventually be continuing the old blog of me(the mango) and la belleza with la belleza when mi familia ventures on up to BERKELEY, i swear that is one of the best cities ever iin the world! so if you wanna read that i'll give you the link, its, just click there. yupyup. so i'll be back in good time, i promise. <3 (ooooooh that is like the most obnoxious thing i've done all day, SORRRY!)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

mental health??? mackakelenzio?!?! hmm...

er... well, i'm back. i feel like a guilty puppy, with this not posting stuff and everything. ehehe... ooo. i know i am posting during the day and most humans are in school, but uhhhhhh, i'm not most humans. ya, ya ya. ok ok i'm taking a "mental health day", and not going to school, i know i know, bad mackakelenzio, but hey, i've been really tired and i just needed a day to rest and wind down a bit... it's all good.
i've missed you guys, sorry i haven't talked more, i've had this blasted narrative essay and just a bunch of other stuff (e.g. i've been reading eragon! lalalalala! and now i'm on eldest and normally i can't put it down, but i had to to talk to you folkies!!! i love you guys! *she dramatically wipes away tears of joy*, i just had to...)
i made this baby moose toy named craig, and he is such a hottie! my gosh! you'll have to come over and meet him!!! i mean ooo la la!
i really really really really really don't know what to talk about, which makes things tough, since i do have this blog and i do have to post... SEND ME TOPICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! c'mon itcould be fun, sorta...

Friday, December 8, 2006


my heart is crying.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

wide-eyed human with a frostingless cupcake

hey homies, i feel rather lame, i haven't really been talking to you folkies lately, i mean i've been giving you miraculous quotes and stuff, but i fear one of us is slowing down and it's probably me. LAME LAME LAME!!! no! i refuse! i will not fail you! I WILL REMAIN FAITHFUL! now me and my blog do a little blood-byte pact here to remain strong unto one another and never turn traitor!!! whoo!
hmm... ok anyways... maybe i'll fill you in on current events, or maybe new ideas i have, or maybe i'll tell you a story, or maybe... sigh, i don't know what to talk about. i mean, i started talking about various religious paraphernalia and i didn't get such hot reviews. well whatever... argh, i feel dumb, like i can't follow through with this blog... NEVER! the blog must go on, i think. i had a frostingless cupcake today, i guess that makes it more muffinish doesn't it? ah, well... what're ya gonna do? it was mighty tasty though...mmmyes!
oh ya, i had this really amazing/random thing happen to me today, we were going over to coffee gallery today and on the way my dad saw his prophet friend, gideon. and we we're just talking about normal stuff, and then he turns to me and says, 'what is your heart's desire?' and i'm like whoa, so i thought about it pretty briefly and said i really didn't know. i know that is a mighty hasty and all around lame answer but i mean c'mon, people don't tend to get asked these questions everyday, so i was a bit taken aback, because a) i'm used to questions when you first see someone like 'so what's up?', not 'what is your heart's desire?' and b) it was really out of the blue. well, duh. and so then he says that i will be blessed, very blessed and i'm like wow, thanks (yet another stupid answer, what is the deal?! but hey, i was still a bit shocked). and he said he was like anointed or called or something to me, to say that. and my dad said he's done stuff like that before and every, single, solitary time what he says comes true. and like i felt really wide-eyed, like not physically but y'know like all of me felt sort of astonished and uplifted at the fact that someone just prophesied over me, a prophesy from god, for me, to me. and i already felt so blessed. ahhh...

Saturday, December 2, 2006


i am going to give you a quote, get inspired humans! LUGS AND LUMMOXES ARE LAME! (ooo alliteration) do something, anything change the world, your world, their world, love. (here i'll squeeze in a ghandi quote "you must be the change you want to see in the world", so there.) actually i'll give you more than one, ooo it's your lucky day! these are some of my favorite quotes, and i want your feelings on them also. you have to read them slowly, savor them, don't just rush by, listen.

as though no one is watching you,
as though you have never been hurt before
as though no one can hear you
as though heaven is on earth.

our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light not
our darkness that most frightens us. we ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? actually,
who are you not to be? you are a child of god. your playing small does not serve the world. there is nothing enlightened
about shirnking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. we are all meant to shine, as children do. we were born
to make manifest the glory of god that is within us. it is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. and as we let our own light
shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same. as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.
-marianne williamson