i have a tremendous bruise on my leg. its a nice fine shade of GREY, with happy indigo spots.. its from playing brutal soccer, its not that hard, the chicks CRUSH the dudes, everytime, no duh. but its rough, i fall over constantly and i like while i'm down anyone in the zone of my ginormous kicking range gets knocked down too, and unfortunately for them, they have to get dirty (don't we all) and unfortunately for me, i get LANDED ON. but its really all good, cuz i haven't had this much fun playing soccer in like forever and a day. WHEEEEEE! speaking of WHEEEEE! me and jacob were making paper boats in free period, and it had four windows and it was called (guess what..) WHEEEEE! and then he was drawing this guy getting shot by this little other guy and like he was gushing red stuff from his side, but me, promoting non-violence, as i am, just HAD to make the guy who was gushing eat a strawberry jelly sandwich and the stuff on his side coulda been jelly, the sandwich was dripping enough. but THEN what to do with the lil shooting guy?! BUILD A WALL! and so i drew a wall, ehehe, and the dude was shooting ducks outta his lill gun, and they were launching off the walls, YAY! so thats me and non-violence, but i also gotta share the love, right? so i took bites outta chris's cupcake in a cone, and it was good, and then i almost sat on jordan, cuz he was feeling all depressed, and it was good, and then i said hi to nick like 3 times, and it was good, then i said good game to patrick, and it was good, then i ate a cookie for mr. desal, and it was good, then i told michele not to light anymore matches, cuz it was my idea, and i can't have her getting in trouble for my pyromania, right? no, indeed. so it was all good, i prolly spread some more love buuuuuuuuut, being the verrrrrrrrrrrry loving person that i am, i can't remember all those good deeds.. ehehe, nah, not thaaaaaat wonderful.
and omg, did i tell you?!?! CLAIRES COMING!!! WHOO HOO! this i'll be so radical (ehe, radical..) and i am so excited, i might even go for a bikeride..! ooooh, who wants to come?!
Lol, it seems like you had a fun day. Congratsssss
thanky... how could u tell? hmm.
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