despite the hideous lack of comments on my last post, i will continue on posting... sheesh. i was gonna post on something else, but this is fresher in my mind so, why not? i'll post about it later, never fear!
i find it really... just fantastic how like you can be indierctly telling someone something through a song or a post or a piece of paper covered in sketches and random words.. i know you can think of examples, where all the public hears a song, for instance, in one way, but the people who are singing are really doing it to just one person in the audience, one mind, and a connection occurs, some appealing realization that despite everyone else's chaos and emotion there is one reserved for you, and only you and them. this bond is amazingly strong.. but like it makes me think: what if you were really dumb, and it just flew right past us-- that happens more than we think, i know, we can be pretty dumb like that. oi..! so... communication, i resolve, is pretty weird shtuff. here, i'll explain.
well, first off i was thinking how we find it so much easier to communitcate ideas and feelings to others through writing, i mean, its so, so hard to say somethings out loud.. why IS that?! what really is the difference, is it that we don't have to see or hear their reply in its full force? are we cutting ourselves off from full interactions because we are afraid of how others will react? are we that cowardly, or has society and new technology overwhelming us AGAIN?! i mean, we will still feel the full emotion set about eventually, right..? please give me your feelings on this, i need to have a discussion on this topic (please!).
i was also thinking about like, if two people are conversing via email or IMing over the week, and they bring up some very big topics doesn't the awkwardness and stuff still exist when they finally meet? YES! so.. i don't get it. and like its funny, because i feel a level of sympathy for those outside the interaction of the two people, i mean cuz like, they'll only see a one sided version, and so they may see two people in full fighting one time and then laughing and smiling the next, how are they supposed to get it? i mean they missed a whole chunk of time and words, and so outsiders opinions are like missing spots and its all annoying for eveyone..
i guess its like seeing a the "behind the scenes" of a movie, sure the movies great, but of the actors there can be a plasticky sorta feeling, cuz u know its not them, and so when u see the behind the scenes you sorta actually get to know em and like secrets of the film, and how it works and all that jazz. so like the people with the halfsie views are missing out on all the behind the scene footage and they only see the make-uped, dramatic stuff, not all the real life goodness, all the stuff that made the "film" what it was..
i really, really, REALLY wanna do a whole thing where me and some other people like live a day without verbal communication, like instead we use our eyes, our body language, and all that good stuff. who wants to try it?
OMG, like...idk, im just speeachless, u have like a way, of saying crap that is always on my mind, but wen i try to explain it, it comes out in garbled chunks of random prfanities and utterly confusing strings of ideas, that would make no sense to any other human being except me. lmao. oo, and also, the whole trying to do body languange thing, LOL, I WOULD LOVE TO DO THAT. but u know the only problem i think...the entire day, i can just see me and you laffing, and like...then all of a sudden its the end of the day, and we spent the last 3 hours bawling at eachothers failed body signals, and ya, i dont think you;d learn anything. lol
how do we do that...? like when i talk to you about ideas.. its like infinitely clearer. ya. and like you.. are like, there. i know i say that a lot, but i mean, your so close, i feels as if your mind and mine is like.. idk. i told you this was bizarre. but, again, its a good bizarre, it feels ok, i'm still a bit in awe though, so words are mumbling jumbling fumbling around.. obviously.
omg how annoying
why is that on there twice?!
yeah let's tri on monday (sorrrrrrrryyyyyy 4 the latnessosityernantly)
yeah lte's try on monday (sorry 4 the lateness-osity-er-ly) (sorry i kno that is annoying) (sorry 4 all the sorrys) (sorry 4 not spelling sorrys correct)!!!!
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