Saturday, January 20, 2007

that one there (when all others fail)

its been two weeks. things are __________ (forgive my lack of adjectives...). i have no support: moral, mental, spiritual, physical, none. and i'm tired. maybe i should quit the blog. would that be lame? this has been a healthy solace, when all others fail, but maybe, just maybe it was all i needed for a time. a SMALL time. sigh. i dunno, maybe i need this a lot right now, and i just can't see it. it hurts when i bring it up and people are like, "oh, you still do that old thing, i mean people still visit it...?" and i have absolutely nothing to say to their bored and incredulous faces. what do i do? sigh. the truth is i miss you. i miss myself. and i am wearing a skirt.

1 comment:

me...or is it? said...

no!!!!!!! keep posting. i guess you could just talk to me but i like reading your posts.