Wednesday, December 13, 2006

mental health??? mackakelenzio?!?! hmm...

er... well, i'm back. i feel like a guilty puppy, with this not posting stuff and everything. ehehe... ooo. i know i am posting during the day and most humans are in school, but uhhhhhh, i'm not most humans. ya, ya ya. ok ok i'm taking a "mental health day", and not going to school, i know i know, bad mackakelenzio, but hey, i've been really tired and i just needed a day to rest and wind down a bit... it's all good.
i've missed you guys, sorry i haven't talked more, i've had this blasted narrative essay and just a bunch of other stuff (e.g. i've been reading eragon! lalalalala! and now i'm on eldest and normally i can't put it down, but i had to to talk to you folkies!!! i love you guys! *she dramatically wipes away tears of joy*, i just had to...)
i made this baby moose toy named craig, and he is such a hottie! my gosh! you'll have to come over and meet him!!! i mean ooo la la!
i really really really really really don't know what to talk about, which makes things tough, since i do have this blog and i do have to post... SEND ME TOPICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! c'mon itcould be fun, sorta...


me...or is it? said...

gosh i wish i could take a mental health day. yep, school is really stressful. I just finished my narrative myself. hmmmm...eragon and eldest must be really good...i guess i should read them...oooh ooh topics!!!!!!!!!!
1)not smart people being made fun of
2) potatoes
3) Holiday joy
4) oatmeal
5) french toast
6) school (is it pointless?)
gotta go
me...or is it?

Zachary Glass said...

SO now I'm all caught up. Thanks! I was thinking how you got asked about your heart's desire the other night. Thought any more on that one? Worth thinking about. Jesus used to ask people a similar question. "What is it that you want?" It's a hard one to answer. I didn't even know my favorite color for at least 3/4 of my life. Inept at these wanting questions at times, but I'm gettin' the hang of it in my old age, girl. Gettin' the HANG.
